Profile photo of Dr Justin Garrick Chair

A message from the Chair

How swiftly the whole pandemic experience changed our thinking! No matter how traumatic the lockdown years might have been, the first half of this year, at least, was something else altogether.

Profile photo of Andrew Wrigley ED

Message From the Executive Director

The Association always seeks to work closely with the other education sectors here in Canberra, and the foundation position – I would suggest from all of us – is ensuring the jurisdiction provides an environment where education can flourish. I believe these are critical organisational relationships, so significantly amplified through the past years.

The Association

Key Functions

The Association of Independent Schools of the ACT (AISACT) is the peak body representing the ACT Independent School sector. Its mission is the advancement of educational excellence through the promotion of a strong independent school sector in the ACT.

The AISACT is guided by the following key principles when representing the views of the diverse group of Member Schools:

  • Parents are entitled to exercise choice in selecting the most suitable school and education philosophy for the education of their child(ren).
  • The Association advocates for and represents the issues of the independent school sector.
  • All students, irrespective of where they are educated, are entitled to a high quality education.
  • Governments have a responsibility to provide a suitable level of funding for all students to achieve high quality education outcomes, regardless of where they go to school.

In addition, the Association provides a number of services and professional learning opportunities throughout the year to Member schools. This professional learning covers a diverse range of topics including leadership, curriculum, governance, coaching, wellbeing, and student engagement.

AISACT represents and advocates for the interests of all independent schools in the ACT, consulting with governments, statutory authorities, and a wide range of other educational stakeholders.


The Association has 18 Member schools, which are a diverse group of non-government schools serving a range of communities. The schools are of different types, sizes, religious affiliations and educational philosophies and are a vital part of the ACT education system.

All independent schools in the ACT are Members of the AISACT with each independent school being a separate and autonomous not for profit entity with an independent governing body.

While all schools are required to comply with relevant legislation regarding alignment with the Australian Curriculum, individual schools will make choices about the breadth of the curriculum offered and the subject choices provided within their context.

In 2022 Member schools educated 15,641 students with enrolments ranging from 57 to over 2000 students. In 2022 students in Member schools made up 19% of the total student population in the ACT. Enrolment in Canberra’s Independent schools has historically been very strong and has seen a 21% increase in student enrolment over the past 10 years.

The Association also provided its two Associate Member schools from surrounding NSW with support and opportunities in 2022. These schools have been able to access professional learning in addition to other services that the Association offered. They will continue to be an important part of the Association and its strategic direction.

Governance and Executive Committee & subcommittees

General Meetings

The Association’s General Meeting comprises nominated representatives from each of the 18 Member schools. Each school nominates two representatives, one of whom must be the Principal, and the other must be the Business Manager, or a representative of the school’s governing body.

In addition to the Member school representatives, the AISACT invites its Associate Members to participate in Association activities and meetings.

The Association extends the invitation to be an observer to the Association of Parents and Friends of ACT Schools (APFACTS). APFACTS is a partner of the Association and plays a pivotal role in supporting the parents of students at Independent Schools.

Executive Committee

Members to the Executive Committee are elected at the Annual General Meeting. Members of the Executive Committee consider the wide range of strategic impacts to the Association, the Association’s best response to those impacts on behalf of Member schools, and the strategic oversight of the services and new initiatives to support Member and Associate Member schools.

AISACT Executive Committee membership details are provided in the Appendix.

Executive Subcommittees

The Executive Committee supports the role of four strategic subcommittees: the Finance Risk and Audit Subcommittee; the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee; the Education Support Subcommittee; and the Early Years Learning Subcommittee. All subcommittees continued their work to provide advice on strategies, opportunities, and approaches to the Executive Committee to achieve the Association’s key directions. AISACT Executive Subcommittee membership details are provided in the Appendix.

Strategic Intent

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Advocacy and Representation

As the representative body for the Independent School sector, the Association represents the sector’s view to Territory and Federal governments on matters of significance and importance in education and in independent schools. The Association continued to work closely with the ACT Minister for Education and Youth Affairs and Minister for Early Childhood Development, Ms Yvette Berry MLA, ministerial advisors, and senior officials from the ACT Education Directorate. The Association also worked closely with The Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn, Catholic Education to continue to advance the specific issues relating to Non-Government Schools in the ACT.

The Association, through Principals, Board Members, office staff, and teachers from Member schools, represents the interests of Independent Schools, independent education, and the Association on a wide variety of committees, consultative groups and boards. In 2022 the AISACT’s involvement on committees and groups includes:

National Representation

  • Independent Schools of Australia (ISA) Board
  • ACARA Curriculum Directors’ Group
  • Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Association for Learning Environments

ACT Representation

ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS)
  • BSSS Board
  • BSSS Curriculum Advisory Group
  • BSSS Accreditation Advisory Group
  • BSSS Vocational Education and Training (VET) Group
  • ACT Cross Sectoral Education Committee
  • ACT Curriculum Implementation Committee (ACIC)
  • ACT Curriculum Advisory Group
  • Communities of Practice (various)
  • ANU Extension Board of Studies
  • NAPLAN Online Project Board
  • NAPLAN Online Cross Sector Working Group
Teacher Quality Institute
  • TQI Board
  • TQI Initial Teacher Education Committee (ITEC)
  • TQI Professional Learning Advisory Committee (PLAD)
  • TQI Standards and Professional Practices Committee (SPPC)
  • ACT Animal Ethics Committee
  • ACT Block Grant Authority (BGA) Board
  • ACT Better Schools for Kids Committee
  • ACT BGA Priorities Committees
  • ACT Cross Sectorial COVID 19 Advisory Group
  • NDIS Education and Employment Working Group
  • KPMG NCCD Trauma Support Project Advisory Group
  • School Sport ACT Board
  • School Transport Liaison Committee
  • Sector Leaders group (ACT ED, CE, AISACT)
  • AEDC
  • ACT NDIA and Education Committee
  • Safe Schools
  • Reportable Conduct (ACT Ombudsman)
  • ACT Restrictive Practices Oversight Steering Group
  • ACT Cross Sectoral Education Working Group – Senior Practitioner
  • Positive Partnerships
  • Cross Sectoral Collaboration Group- NCCD
  • Standby Advisory Committee
  • Australian Positive Behaviour Support Association
  • Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group (ISA)
  • Listen to Learn Advisory Group

Our Partners

During 2022 the work of AISACT has been supported by Nexia Canberra, our event partner once again this year.

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Programs and Initiatives

The Association’s Strategic Intent has guided the decisions and work of the Association and articulates the key directions needed to achieve the Association’s goals. The Strategic Intent is supported by several operational plans.

This report outlines the key activities of the Association to meet Member School needs and to positively advance the actions designed to achieve the objectives of the School Education Reform Agenda and the Bi-lateral Reform Agreement with the ACT Government

Since 2018, AISACT built and further developed the capacity of Independent schools in the ACT to meet the Australian Government’s school education reform priorities for non-government schools, and has continued to build on this work in 2022, despite the challenges that we have all been presented with due to COVID. To this end, AISACT provided a strong and supportive range of programs beginning in January 2022, although many were amended and delivered over different periods.

Leadership development, staff and student wellbeing, mental health and coaching for school improvement continued as a focus during 2022. AISACT continued to build on previous work on the quality assurance, moderation, and support for the continued improvement of Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) on school students with disability. AISACT continued to focus on leadership development and support with the provision of expert advice from an experienced staff member providing both hotline support and advice and on-site support at individual schools. For the implementation of online delivery of the National Assessment program, AISACT continues to work to ensure that all 18 Member Schools had access to advice and assistance regarding their readiness for the implementation of the online delivery of the National Assessment program.

AISACT continued to provide specialist professional learning programs as identified in the Bilateral Agreement addressing Australian Curriculum, including general capabilities, reporting against the achievement standards, School Leadership, and literacy and numeracy. The broad range of programs were made possible through the use of the Non-Government Reform Support Fund.

The Association has continued to collaborate and contribute with all education sectors in the ACT to provide input through reform specific governance mechanisms and communication especially during the management of COVID in the ACT.

The office of the AISACT entered agreements with a range of providers who provide expert advice and support on an as needs basis to member schools, including:

  • Legal Advice – Snedden Hall & Gallop
  • Employee Assist and Counselling Advice – Catholic Care and Exhale People
  • Complaints and Investigations - Halloran and Morrissey

Education Support


In 2022 there were two networks for support of school staff. The Students with Disabilities Network met each semester and provided professional learning, networking and resource support in teaching and learning, program support, teaching strategies and collaboration.

The Student Wellbeing Network is a mailing group, where resources are shared and contact maintained should schools require input or support.

Both networks also supported schools in the NCCD specifically in moderation, evidence management and appropriate documentation.

Cross Sectoral Collaboration

2022 saw the continuation of cross sectoral collaboration, particularly in information dissemination and moderation for NCCD processes. Other Cross Sectoral work was in the areas of student well-being resources, networking, Restrictive Practices and professional learning opportunities.

Professional Learning

School and team based professional learning was collaboratively developed on request and included Behaviour Support, NCCD processes and inclusive practices.

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Image of Workshops

Other Support

The Manager of Education Support visited schools and provided advice and resource support in areas relating to NCCD processes as well as specific support on adjustments and plans (learning, health care, behaviour, safety) for individual students, building teams and other areas as requested. Advice was also provided around inclusive practices at a strategic level, restrictive practices, curriculum access and positive behaviour support.

Teaching and Learning

The AISACT Teaching and Learning Subcommittee remained engaged throughout 2022, informing and supporting the work of the Association by generously sharing resources and professional insights to maximise educational excellence. The challenge regarding how to maximise and sustain emergent high yield innovative practices remains active. The Office of the Association supports schools to ensure that the Australian Curriculum taught is the most current published by ACARA on the Australian Curriculum website. In addition, the ACT Cross-sectoral Curriculum Group (ACTCCG) works collaboratively on jurisdictional curriculum implementation matters.

Maximising Growth

Delivered by Bronwyn MacLeod (ALDEA Education), this professional learning program involved both asynchronous and synchronous components, extending over a 10-month period.

Semester One Course: Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners in Mixed Ability Classrooms.

Module One: Understanding the Learners

  • Definitions, cognitive and affective characteristics and the impact on learning needs of diverse learners
  • Use of specific tools to identify the various levels of ability and students with learning difference and learning difficulties: understanding and catering for twice-exceptional students
  • Gender differences among gifted learners: issues of perfectionism
  • Underachievement: How and why do highly able students underachieve? Causes and interventional strategies

Module Two: Curriculum and Program Strategies

  • Understanding differences between curriculum and instructional models in programming. Planning, implementing and evaluating differentiated units of work using a conceptual framework design.
  • Using instructional models such as Bloom’s Taxonomy and the WIlliams Model to develop critical and creative thinking practices; inquiry and problem-based learning to underpin instructional design.
  • Developing curriculum and programmatic structures to reverse underachievement and ensure learning gain.

Semester Two Course: Issues, approaches and implications of summative and formative assessment with diverse learners.

Module: Using research-based strategies to create differentiated assessments that will stretch and enable students to show the full extent of their learning.

  • Developing summative assessment tasks to map student learning gain based on selected outcomes and conceptual framework (when applicable): designing benchmarks for moderation
  • Developing formative assessment tasks to map student learning gain based on selected outcomes and conceptual framework (when applicable): designing benchmarks for moderation
  • Differentiating the curriculum in response to assessment data

2022 participating schools:

Canberra Girls Grammar School, Trinity Christian School, Daramalan College, Canberra Grammar School, Burgmann Anglican School, St Edmund’s College, Emmaus Christian School, Canberra Montessori School, Taqwa School, Brindabella Christian College.

2022 Evidence into Action workshop series: using Implementation Science to turn evidence into action.

Throughout 2022 this ongoing project built on school engagement in previous Evidence into Action workshops. A tailored professional learning and mentoring program for AISACT schools was designed and delivered to support the ongoing delivery of an implementation plan based on individual school priorities. Schools received personalised support through virtual mentoring sessions after the initial workshop. Participants in the 2022 AISACT Australian Government’s Choice and Affordability Fund (CAF) Grant Programs also engaged with these professional learning opportunities throughout the year and showcased work to date at the 2022 AISACT Celebrating Teaching and Learning event, 9 November.

With professional input from Susannah Schoeffel (E4L) participants throughout the year investigated the hierarchy of evidence (Deeble & Vaughan, 2018) and the latest evidence within the E4L Teaching & Learning Toolkit, including a focus on feedback, metacognition and self-regulation. Use of the implementation plan as a road map for an improvement journey, assisted educators to answer these important questions:

  • Why - the issue you want to address
  • What - the approach you want to implement - active ingredients of the intervention
  • How - implementation activities (fidelity, acceptability)
  • How well - the implementation outcomes (short, medium and long term)
  • So what - the changes you hope to see - the student outcomes (short, medium and long term).

2022 participating schools:

Canberra Grammar School, Emmaus Christian School, Radford College, Trinity Christian School, Marist College Canberra, Islamic School of Canberra, Burgmann Anglican School, Daramalan College.

2022 Embedding Research Literacy in Schools

This initiative, co-developed by Evidence for Learning, supported participants to engage with both the conceptual and practical aspects of building capability around the meaningful use of evidence in their schools via self-paced online modules (approximately 3 hrs in total).

The TQI accredited online modules explored the following themes:

  • What is meant by data, research, evidence?
  • What does meaningful use of research evidence look like?
  • Reflecting on the use of research evidence look like?
  • Reflecting on the use of research evidence in your school
  • Barriers and enablers of the use of evidence in schools
  • Practical aspects of mobilising and promoting the use of evidence in your school

An end-of-course webinar (60 minutes) on 14 November, facilitated by Susannah Schoeffel (E4L), provided an opportunity for the 30 participants to share key learnings and future directions.

AISACT Instructional Coaching Project: 2019-2022

The 2019-2022 AISACT Instructional Coaching Program continued its positive trajectory of building internal coaching capacity, in turn, ‘turbo charging’ the effectiveness of implementing instructional coaching in each school’s respective context.

Developed by Crowther Centre Consultancy (Brighton Grammar School) this series of workshops and webinars were designed for AISACT teachers to further develop and amplify specific instructional coaching skills to improve knowledge and instruction, in turn, positively influencing student learning outcomes for continuous school improvement. Workshops built clarity by focusing on key parts of building a coaching culture.

Workshop 1 – Coaching for School Improvement: supporting better teaching to improve behaviour, achievement and culture.

Workshop 2 – A System of Professional Learning: structures to support coaching, including managing coaches, middle leaders and using data to measure impact.

2022 participating schools:

Marist College Canberra, Trinity Christian College, Radford College, Burgmann Anglican School, Daramalan College, Canberra Montessori School, St Edmund’s College, Canberra Grammar School, Canberra Girls Grammar School, Covenant Christian School, Orana Steiner School.

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2022 AISACT Enhancing Leadership Capabilities Masterclass Series

This AISACT leadership series was delivered by Exhale People and Halloran Morrissey to address the leadership and interpersonal challenges associated with leadership positions. The masterclasses focused on equipping participants with the insights, skills and confidence to accelerate their own development as they strengthen their relationships and outcomes of their students, teams and wider school community. The following topics provided input and opportunities to discuss key learnings in connection to specific contexts. An average of 30 educators attended each workshop throughout 2022.

  • Developing Teams
  • Professional Boundaries
  • Feedback for Professional Growth
  • Challenging Conversations
  • Managing Harmful Sexual Behaviours in Students

AISACT School Staff Wellbeing Sessions

In partnership with Exhale People, AISACT continued its delivery of bespoke wellbeing sessions for staff in Member Schools. Across 2022, a series of wellbeing training sessions were delivered by Exhale People to whole staff communities.

Participating Schools: Canberra Grammar School, Daramalan College, Covenant Christian School, Canberra Christian School and Islamic School of Canberra.


AISACT Leadership Breakfast Series

The AISACT Leadership Breakfast Series has been established by the Association to engage school leaders across the ACT, irrespective of schooling sector, in issues of significance and importance in the education sphere; specifically, lessons in leadership as delivered by guest speakers, and how these lessons may be transferred to schools to enhance the learning achievements of all students.

The challenges for leadership in educational settings are numerous, and school leaders increasingly look beyond their own environments to learn more and improve their leadership capacity. In organising the breakfast series, the speakers are not necessarily part of the regular education speaking circuit. Rather, their expertise in leadership, and their leadership journey, provide transferable lessons in leadership for educators across Canberra.

Invitations to attend the breakfasts are extended to all schools in the ACT.

Ms Margery Evans

CEO Independent Schools Australia

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Margery Evans has spent her career in education. She has held positions as a teacher, school principal, systems leader and, prior to returning to Australia, she worked as the Academic Director for Aga Khan Education Services, one of the largest not-for-profit school systems in the developing world. Headquartered in France (no hardship) she travelled extensively to support schools in Bangladesh, Central Asia, East Africa, India and Pakistan.

Margery has also had the privilege of leading the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and held senior roles in the education departments of Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria.

Margery is CEO of Independent School Australia, a peak body that strengthens and promotes the contribution independent schools make to the education of young Australians.

She is convinced that the world can be a better place if we get education right for everyone.

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AISACT 2022 Colloquium

Leading in a Changing Landscape

The education landscape has changed. The AISACT 2022 colloquium provided an opportunity for educators from across the ACT Education Community to challenge, reflect, affirm and question what it means to improve school leadership and, at the same time, inspire and motivate colleagues. This challenge was unpacked via insights provided by a range of AISACT principals and Dr Barbara Watterston’s reflections.

Dr Barbara Watterston is the CEO of The Australian Council of Education Leaders (ACEL).

Barbara has extensive experience in education and has held a number of leadership positions across Australia within the education and not-for-profit community sectors. An engaging facilitator, Barbara’s national and international research, consultancy, high performance coaching, and speaking engagements centre on leadership development that emphasise the impact of high-quality leadership on creating the enabling environments for students to learn.

Barbara was the inaugural recipient of the Women of Achievement Award (WA DoE), is an honorary fellow of the Melbourne Graduate School of education and is a National Fellow of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders. Her expertise is regularly sought to contribute in an advisory capacity as a member of numerous university, departmental, school and professional boards.

Barbara has a special interest in the links between leadership sustainability, wellbeing, and impact on performance to ensure learning for all can thrive.

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2022 AISACT Celebrating Teaching and Learning Event

After a two-year hiatus the highly regarded AISACT Celebrating Teaching and Learning event took place on Wednesday 9 November at East Hotel, attended by over 100 educators from Member Schools.

The 2022 iteration again provided an opportunity for educators to showcase and celebrate the many wonderful activities and achievements happening across Member Schools.

Presentation topics:

  • Putting Evidence to Work: the process of implementing improvements and innovation in our Economics and Business Department
  • Fostering growth mindset through a formative feedback process using data visualization
  • Maximising Growth for Diverse Learners program
  • Implementing Self- Regulated Learning at Radford College: a 3 year journey
  • How does a co-teaching model of instruction impact student achievement?
  • Scaffolding Literacy: a reading into writing pedagogy
  • Coaching: encouraging personal growth
  • Inclusion Support Program at Emmaus Christian School
  • The Impact of Mentoring, Approaches to Learning and Wellbeing
  • Making Sense: teaching grammatical cohesion for modes of production in Upper Secondary
  • Education as Human Flourishing
  • Signature Programs at CGGS
  • A Literacy Journey across the Junior School
  • Implementation of the IB Middle Years Program at CGS
  • Engaging Secondary Students in a Wide-Reading Program
  • St Edmund’s College Sports Academy
  • Developing a more authentic approach to reporting
  • Student Progress at MCC: addressing student areas of deficit in Reading and Numeracy
  • ‘Above and Beyond’ Program
  • Green Team: Sustainability Action Group
  • Motivation and Engagement in Year 9 HEPE: an exploratory action research process

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The Association welcomed guests, Board Members and staff from Member Schools to the AISACT End of Year Leadership Function Event held at the National Portrait Gallery on Friday 18 November 2022. The event provided attendees with the opportunity to celebrate the work of the member school leaders who had made significant contributions to education in Independent schools and the Association during 2022.

During the evening departing Members of the ACT were farewelled by the Chair, Dr Justin Garrick, who thanked them for their work and contributions to the Association and, of course, to their schools.

Each year at this event the Award for Leadership and Excellence in ACT Independent Education is awarded. The award recognises an individual who, in the opinion of the members, best met the Association’s mission of “Excellence in ACT Independent education”.

In announcing the recipient of this award, the Chair commented:

“Following a number of nominations this year, I am delighted that we are able to recognise a person who has given exceptional service to the Association, to independent education and, of course, to the community of their school over many years.

None who know her may ever doubt her passion for the good of our sector and its children and their families, most particularly for early childhood education. She is a strong advocate, not shy of opinion, and I have no doubt that much progress in our sector is owed to her tenacity.

The recipient of this year’s AISACT Award for Leadership and Excellence in Independent Education is, Maureen Hartung.”

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Statement of Comprehensive Income

ABN: 51 980 437 786

Interest income 14,267 3,324
Other income 87,838 2,686
Program administration 22,898 32,685
Reform support fund 476,641 493,047
Subscriptions 567,627 444,998
Choice and affordability fund 416,852
1,586,133 976,740
Administration and office expenses 39,789 40,963
Amortisation - right of use asset 35,213 35,213
Consultancy and legal 17,843 9,364
Depreciation 5,987 13,864
Employee benefits expense 628,747 626,800
Finance expense - lease interest 2,590 4,425
IT expenses 7,934 7,564
Other expenses 85,680 -
Projects 573,392 199,228
Rent and equipment lease 951 (2,900)
Subscriptions 48,752 44,930
Travel - domestic 26,844 1,571
1,473,722 981,022
(Deficit) for the year 112,411 (4,282)
Total comprehensive (loss) for the year 112,411 (4,282)


Member Schools

Blue Gum Community School

Brindabella Christian College

Burgmann Anglican School

Canberra Christian School

Canberra Girls Grammar School

Canberra Grammar School

Canberra Montessori School

Covenant Christian School

Daramalan College

Emmaus Christian School

Communities@Work Galilee School

Islamic School of Canberra

Marist College Canberra

Orana Steiner School

Radford College

St Edmund’s College

Taqwa School

Trinity Christian School

Associate Member Schools

The Anglican School Googong

Snowy Mountains Grammar School

General Meeting Members

Maureen Hartung OAM, Sophia Williams
Blue Gum Community School

Ketura Jones
Brindabella Christian College

Leonie Harwood, Joel Anderson
Burgmann Anglican School

Bree Hills
Canberra Christian School

Julie Jorritsma (Concluding Term 3) Terrie Jones (Commencing Term 4), Kate Hill
Canberra Girls Grammar School

Dr Justin Garrick, Kent Peters
Canberra Grammar School

Rael Matthews
Canberra Montessori School

Martin Keast, Tim James
Covenant Christian School

Rachel Davies, Hugh Boulter
Daramalan College

Erik Hofsink, Rebecca Jeffery
Emmaus Christian School

Tim McNevin
Galilee School

Dr Mahmoud Eid
Islamic School of Canberra

Matthew Hutchison, Christine White
Marist College Canberra

Geoff Fouracre (Concluding Term 3), Kelly Armstrong (Commencing Term 4)
Orana Steiner School

Fiona Godfrey, David Perceval
Radford College

Joe Zavone, Samantha Brady
St Edmund’s College

Amanda Bartels (Concluding Term 3), Dr Mohammad Yamin (Commencing Term 4), Peter Polkinghorne
Taqwa School

Ian Hewitt, Karen Achurch
Trinity Christian School

Steven Bowers (Concluding Term 2), Dr Clayton Massey (Commencing Term 3), Heather Walsh
The Anglican School, Googong

Dr Andrew Bell, David Griffith
Snowy Mountains Grammar School

Executive Committee

Dr Justin Garrick
Canberra Grammar School (Chair)

Erik Hofsink
Emmaus Christian School (Deputy Chair)

Ian Hewitt
Trinity Christian School

Fiona Godfrey
Radford College

Steven Bowers

Heather Walsh
The Anglican School, Googong

Christine White
Marist College Canberra

Samantha Brady
St Edmund’s College, Canberra

Maureen Hartung OAM
Blue Gum Community School

Andrew Wrigley

Finance Risk and Audit Subcommittee

Heather Walsh (Chair)
The Anglican School, Googong

Christine White
Marist College Canberra

Karen Achurch
Trinity Christian School

Samantha Brady
St Edmund’s College

David Perceval
Radford College

Tim James
Covenant Christian School

Hugh Boulter
Daramalan College

Kate Hill
Canberra Girls Grammar School

Joel Anderson
Burgmann Anglian School

Kent Peters
Canberra Grammar School

Andrew Wrigley

Serita Cordeiro

Joanne Garrisson

Teaching and Learning Subcommittee

Erik Hofsink, (Chair)
Emmaus Christian School

Ann Hamer
Canberra Grammar School

Tim Bibbens
St Edmund’s College

Andy Gordon
Radford College

Tara Dunstall
Canberra Girls Grammar School

Maddie Harley
Canberra Girls Grammar School

Lisa Hivers
Galilee School

Luke Willsmore
Emmaus Christian School

Chris De Britt
Daramalan College

Ben Stein
Daramalan College

Peter Milligan
Marist College Canberra

Alison Easey
Burgmann Anglican School

Patrick Langer
Burgmann Anglican School

Louise Wallace Richards
Radford College

Lindy Braithwaite
Radford College

Peter O’Donnell
Brindabella Christian College

Gillian Hetherington
The Anglican School Googong

Eleisha Smyth
Trinity Christian School

Jocelyn James
Covenant Christian School

Kath Morwitch

Joanne Garrisson

Education Support Subcommittee

Ian Hewitt, Chair
Trinity Christian School

Grant Barclay
Marist College Canberra

Sophia Williams
Blue Gum Community School

Selina Johnston
Brindabella Christian School

Cath Amesbury
Burgmann Anglican School

Lindsey Herse
Canberra Grammar School

Bronwyn Westcott
Marist College Canberra

Michelle Gillis, Nicole Harper
Emmaus Christian School

Eloise Freestone
Orana Steiner School

Jane Smith
Radford College

Andrew Wrigley

Joanne Garrisson

Sue Frawley

Early Years Learning Subcommittee

Maureen Hartung OAM, Chair
Blue Gum Community School

Subhadra Chapman
Blue Gum Community School

Bree Hill
Canberra Christian School

Karen Mahar
Radford College

Andrew Wrigley

Joanne Garrisson

Staff of the AISACT Office

Andrew Wrigley
Executive Director

Joanne Garrisson
Senior Manager Strategic Programs

Kath Morwitch
Senior Manager Curriculum and Professional Learning

Sue Frawley
Manager Education Support

Serita Cordeiro
Finance and Office Manager