In 2015 Taqwa School opened its doors to families wanting an outstanding learning environment for their children within an Islamic context. Taqwa School gives children the knowledge, skills and dispositions to achieve their potential and contribute positively to the Muslim community, Australian society and humanity at large.
The school is named after the word taqwa, which means being conscious of God. Taqwa combines having an internal moral compass with an awareness of accountability for one’s actions, thus being the best towards humanity and the rest of creation. The School’s values of excellence, respect, responsibility, multiculturalism and fairness echo the concept of taqwa and frame all of the learning at Taqwa School.
At Taqwa School we have clear educational aims. We want our students to be confident, respectful participants in all spheres of life in the 21st century. Taqwa School is a learning community that embraces differentiated, student-centred learning. It strives to meet the needs of every child, enabling each to explore ideas, flourish as learners and be confident, happy young people.